The Making of Mountain Song Yoga

A Need Becomes A Reality

I needed it, and I realized that if I needed it, then others did too.

For years, I knew that I needed something that would connect me to others who were also interested in the journey of yoga and mindfulness.  

I needed other people who were willing to investigate and seek a lifestyle that wasn’t part of social norms.  I needed the people who had an open mind and were willing to support me on my journey.  I kept asking in my prayers for someone to rise up and bring this connection to me.  

I kept asking in my prayers for someone to rise up and bring this connection to me. I wanted it for me.

I knew I couldn’t do it alone. I knew I wouldn’t do it alone.

Funny how you can ask for something for a very long period of time and all of a sudden, it hits you like a ton of bricks. I can’t tell you how many times this has happened to me….

I was looking for someone to fulfill my need, yet in reality, I realized that I was the one that had the power to fill that need.

Usually, when a brick like this hits me, I listen.

Unfortunately, like many of us, I also begin the negative internal dialogue.  Why me… I don’t know how to do this… I’m afraid… There are so many people who have much more knowledge than me… I’m supposed to be retiring… I have other things on my plate…

Luckily, the negative dialogue eventually fades into sounds of “Hallelujah” and “Hell Yeah, Girl!”

People have always appeared on my path, showing up just when I need them. And they have always encouraged me. You can do this…  You are in the right place at the right time…. They remind that they need this too…  They know and I know it’s the right thing to do…

I could list all of my qualifications that have prepared me for this role:

Marketing. Human Resources. Event management. Volunteering. Fundraising. Yoga. Meditation.
Praying. Loving. Laughing. Being joyful. Experiencing sorrow, anger, disappointment.
Years of being a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend….

But honestly, the only qualification required is my willingness to follow my heart.

My deep down desire is to love you, to help you, to walk beside you on YOUR journey.

Mountain Song Yoga was created in 2019 out of my need for connection and my desire to share my passion for mindfulness and yoga with others.  I knew that facilitating yoga, classes, workshops, and retreats would prove to be the ultimate path that would enable me to become my best self while also serving others.

I had to prepare for it though.  My mantra has always been:

Find. Connect. Become

Typical of me, I get interested in a subject, do years of self-study, and then enroll in certification trainings to make sure that I really understand what I’ve studied.  After years of study and private practice, I was ready to take the final plunge.  I completed 200 Hours of Registered Yoga Teacher training with Mollie Busby and her amazing teachers at Yoga Hive in Whitefish, Montana.

My training included courses in:

  • Energy Medicine Yoga
  • Chakras
  • Himalayan Kriya Kundalini
  • Meditation
  • Pranayama (Breathing)
  • Yoga for Pregnancy
  • Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga

I have also extensive training and experience with:

  • Essential oils
  • Mala making
  • Japa
  • Being silent, being quiet, and being still
  • Listening

All this and, yet I know that this is only the start as there is still so much more to learn.

One step at a time though. For right now, I know that I am living proof that the yoga works. I have so much to give to you.  Join me and  begin or continue your own yogic journey and truly experience the awesomeness of mindfulness.

Your love, your light, and your confidence are already within you.  Together we will discover what it takes for you to become truly alive.  Wherever you are on your path, Mountain Song Yoga will embrace you into a community filled with joy and support, inspiring you and providing you with the tools to finally live the life you were intended to live.

Hallelujah and Hell Yeah!  Discover the freedom to find yourself!


Let me and Mountain Song Yoga be the first to welcome you home.

You are here. You have arrived. And we are so happy to see you.

Shelle Kuntz, Founder
Mountain Song Yoga  


Questions about getting started on your Yoga Journey?

Drop me line to find out more!