The Art of Me.

She was that girl. She said yes before being asked to help, stayed up late completing projects for friends, church, or one of the groups she was involved in. She joyfully volunteered for every event, she tended her gardens, she cooked all food from scratch, and made sure that she genuinely communicated with all of her friends and family. She was that girl. I was that girl.
I ended up overextended, overweight, and overburdened – putting others first. Never even thinking about taking care of myself.
Why is it so difficult to put ourselves first? There are the emotions of guilt, of shame, and feelings of wanting to measure up. I won’t even go into social media envy. Or the ego says that this will look great to other people. I didn’t have the ability to say no to others nor did I have the tools or the confidence to say YES to me. Along with the exhaustion, the awareness found me and I chose to change my life. You can too! You can discover the Art of Me.
Take the first step to a life of overall health.
The Art of Me for mental health allows you to be grounded and more focused.
The Art of Me for physical health makes me stronger and my immune system rocks.
The Art of Me for spiritual health offers awareness, a sense of wellbeing, and connection to the divine.
The Art of Me can begin with just 10 minutes a day! In 10 minutes, you can do 5 minutes of deep breathing and meditation, and 5 minutes of exercise. The Art of Me begins when you say YES to yourself. Over time, 10 minutes becomes 15 minutes, then 20 and you add in affirmations and reading, and then more time and more of what makes you feel good. Those precious minutes of mindfulness develop your awareness; they allow you to reflect, to think and to be silent. Your life begins to change. You begin to discover your true and authentic self.
The Art of Me allows you to say no to the things that no longer serve you. Say yes to yourself. Start today. Start small, be consistent every day, end up feeling fabulous. Let me help you!
The Art of Me begins with me.